What happens when alum is mixed with coconut oil?


Coconut oil and alum are beneficial for skin and hair. The nutrients present in both of these help in eliminating skin and hair related problems. Know the benefits of this in detail in the article -

Rich in nutrients

Anti-biotic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are found in alum. At the same time, coconut oil has anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties.


image credit: flipcart

Removes signs of aging

The mixture of coconut oil and alum helps in tightening the skin. Using it removes the problem of wrinkles and fine lines.


Skin improves:

Coconut oil acts as a moisturizer. By using it the problem of dry skin goes away. Also, alum gets rid of spots and freckles, which brings glow on the face.


Removes the problem of dandruff

Coconut oil acts as a moisturizer. By using it the problem of dry skin goes away. Also, alum gets rid of spots and freckles, which brings glow on the face.


Prevents hair fall

If your hair is falling very fast, then massage your scalp with a mixture of coconut oil and alum. Its mixture strengthens the hair.


Gets rid of dead skin

Coconut oil and alum help in getting rid of dead skin. This cleans the skin thoroughly.


Use it like this

To use it, heat 50 ml coconut oil. Now add 1 spoon of alum powder in it and cool it. Now apply this mixture on hair and skin.


Mixing alum in coconut oil provides so many benefits. For all the information related to health, keep reading mobile.5g.in